You Must Be Pretty Cool...
If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in what “That Good Stuff” is all about. In my eyes, that makes you pretty cool. So thanks for reading.
In return for bringing your pretty cool self here, I’ve kept this short and sweet. And put a little pick-me-up at the end for you.
A 10-Second Background Story
I lived for cartoons as a kid (and still do).
So, I drew them. I was shit. Reeeeeally shit. Even my mum wasn’t impressed. So I kept trying. Got better. Started enjoying it.
Getting older, I saw skate brands covering hoodies in cartoons. Found the t-shirt rail at “Size”. Saw sick graphics (cartoons) on t-shirts. Saw a lot of shit ones too. Started hunting for the sickest graphics (cartoons). Washed cars for money so I could afford the “cool” stuff. The stuff that was on thick and heavy t’s and hoodies. The stuff that made 16-year-old you feel rich when you wore it. But the graphics had to be good. And that was hard to find.
Getting older again, I kept drawing. Met some cool people in the skate world, but not many artists. So I started wondering – where were the legends who drew the sickest clothing? Who put the graphics together that were legitimately “cool”? I picked up a tin of spray paint. BANG. Found where some of the sickest artists were. Met cool people. Kept drawing.
Today. Now this is where That Good Stuff comes in.
I’m a self-taught artist named Josh, and I write “Good Stuff” in the corner of my pieces – hoping this makes people think “oh, look at that good stuff”. I draw on screens and I paint on walls. And I hope you like what you see here.
What Is That Good Stuff?
To put it simply, That Good Stuff is about bringing you stuff that helps you enjoy life that little bit more, makes life feel less serious, and reminds you that you’re a pretty cool person every time you see it.
What Does That Good Stuff Do?
It’s hard to find cartoons displayed on clothes in a way that you actually want to wear them. And not only wear them, fucking love wearing them. And have people ask “oh shit, where did you get that?!”, because it’s genuinely cool.
So that’s what I’m doing.
I’m putting more of the cartoons I’m obsessed with (and my own) into the cultures that have enriched my life. Skateboarding and graffiti (street art). Displayed in a way that you want to wear them (or, look at them on walls).
Premium Quality Stuff
I’m obsessed with quality clothing. To me, that’s thick and heavy stuff.
I’ve spent a lot of time and money finding “masterpieces of material”, that provide a rich canvas for graphic work you want to show off.
What's The Goal?
The “mission” for That Good Stuff is to get “the cartoons you need to show people” everywhere we can.
To create the sickest clothing you can get your hands on. The treasure I hunted as a kid.
And to honour the cultures that have enriched my life.
Show And Tell...
I‘m stoked to see people wearing That Good Stuff, it’s cool to see the people who are into clothing that’s covered in graphic artwork.
So email me your pics of you wearing your t’s and hoodies – I’d love to share them on the site!
As part of the “mission”, I need to know which designs actually make you feel like “I need that”. And the ones that made people say “where’d you get that?!”
So please, leave reviews for the designs you love, email me if you have feedback, even if it’s just “I skated in this and people wolf-whistled at me”.
I’m interested in hearing anything you have to say.
Email me: [email protected]
A Pick-Me-Up Playlist - Good Stuff
As promised, and as some sort of thank you for reading That Good Stuff’s story, in the spirit of helping you enjoy your day a little more, here’s a pick-me-up playlist of the beats that put a smile on my face when I’m spraying paint on walls. It may put a smile on your face too.
I guarantee there’s something on there you’ll listen to more than once: